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Local Private Owned Companies

f you're seeking Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for your child with autism, you may be concerned about private equity involvement in the ABA industry.


It is beneficial to consider non-private equity owned ABA companies that prioritize quality of care. 


However, talk to friends, ask around, and do your research.

Tulsa Sunshine Center

Sunshine has been serving children since 2009, and has numerous reviews.


Therapy and Beyond

This company has 3 locations in Oklahoma, 7 in Texas, and 1 in Colorado. However, it has a reputation in Tulsa for delivering quality services and having a good leadership team.  This is listed, due to this being the oldest ABA clinic in Tulsa.


The Sunshine Academy

The Sunshine Academy is a sister company of Tulsa Sunshine Center that focus on ABA therapy.


CLASS Oklahoma was, but was purchased by Aces.

This was a privately owned company, but has since sold to a large company.

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